Testing testing… Is thing on?

Well, tonight seems like just as good a time as any to hop back on the old blog and say hello.  I’m thinking I need a hobby (other than my standby hobby of singing stupid songs, cursing at facebook, and complaining loudly), or the very least a sounding board, so here I am. Shall we do a quick catch up?  Yes?!  Well ok!

Since last I visited this hallowed space, little has changed. Life is still busy, I still fight the good fight against the laze, and my children are still amazing little time sucking whirlwinds. They are both super great humans, and they make me proud daily.  For reals.  Josephine is 7 (and a half, thank you very much), and Little Lucinda just turned 2 (historically my least favorite age to parent, but gosh darn it she isn’t cute as all get out).  Taylor is still rocking my world as the coolest and most amazing dad, holding it all down on the farm. We’ve still got our crazy dogs, our chicken crew, and the goats roaming around out here. We also have a cow and a pig hanging out in the pasture right now too. It’s a crazy animal party up in here. Livin’ the good life, folks (but seriously, I’m super grateful for all of this).

Since we last spoke, Taylor painted the house, we started and then stopped, and then started again in our garden plot (ever closer, each and every time we take a whack at it), and I discovered the joy of mowing our extensive lawn (is this a teaser for a blog post about mowing??? You’ll have to wait and see, my friends…wait and see). We’ve reorganized many rooms in the house, and have started work on the barn to turn it into a functional music/whatever space for Taylor. There are never a shortage of projects, that’s for darn tootin’ (can you tell I have a two year old who likes to say things like, “God dammit, you get a time out!” to her dolls in front of company?  No idea where she picks that up. None at all #badmom). 

Anyways, my intentions are to start back up here in a more robust and less sporadic fashion, but time will tell if my ideas and actions are in synch. In the meantime, let me leave you with this photo, because you know what they say:  a picture is worth a thousand poorly executed blog posts. Hope to see you all real soon.  

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